Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello & thanks for stopping by.....

Welcome to my new blog. Thanks for stopping by!!  I hope that I can help everyone navigate the grocery store isles & explain all the ingredients that are shortened to acronyms & have names that you need a chemistry degree to pronounce.  I will be offering you alternatives to some favorite grocery store items that are healthier, but still will let you stay within your family’s grocery budget.

I know how hard it can be to take your time to read the ingredients on boxes while you have a child in the cart screaming & a child pulling on your pants asking for everything they see. I suggest that you first look in your cabinets at home. Read the ingredients on the boxes or on the items in your fridge or freezer.  Write down the ones that you would like to find a better alternative for your family. If you need help, feel free to ask me & I can hopefully give you some ideas on what to look for in your local grocery store.  I know that not everyone has access to a Whole Foods, Trader Joes or local natural food market, but you’d be surprised at the items stocked at your local grocery store, made by regular companies that are just as good as organic or items sold in the “natural foods” sections.
As you start to make the transition to feeding your family food with better ingredients, don’t fret if little Johnny is having a meltdown at the local Piggly Wiggly over that box of “sugar coated massive preservative loaded goodness” & you breakdown & buy it to give yourself a little sanity. He won’t grow a third arm or suddenly forget how to recite his ABC’s if he eats it.

In the end, I hope that what you gain from this blog will make you feel like the Super Mom that you really are. 

Until the next post.....

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