Possible side effects of over consumption include memory loss, fatigue, headaches, weight gain, diarrhea, dizziness, blurred vision, abdominal cramps, muscle cramps, slow pulse, sweating, tremors in the tongue & eyelids, growth defects, organ system damage & two named conditions called Bromism & Brominated thyroid. There have been several documented cases for both conditions. One reported case for Bromism involved a man who consumed two to four liters of a soda containing BVO on a daily basis. He started to experience memory loss, tremors, fatigue, loss of muscle coordination. Before he was official diagnosed with Bromism, he lost the ability to walk. The final treatment consisted of months of daily dialysis & iodine treatments to rid his body of the bromine.
Amazingly BVO is banned in almost 100 countries but not the USA. The FDA states that when BVO is used within what they consider acceptable limits, which in soda is 15 parts per million in the finished products, then it can be deemed as "relatively" safe. The FDA does warns about the possible side effects of over consumption, but what do they consider as over consumption? Well, I asked and they don't know! They said more research needs to be done on the toxicity of BVO & at what levels the body reaches over consumption. Yet they have approved this for use in foods??? Studies have shown that long after consumption, traces of BVO will remain in the body in tissue & fat cells.
I know most people don't over indulge, but let's say you enjoy a 20oz bottle of Mountain Dew® 2 or 3 times a day, if traces of BVO remain in your body each time you drink a bottle, at what point do you reach over consumption?
source: http://www.sierramist.com/ |
Usually at this point in the blog post, I'll walk you through the virtual grocery store & show you better options. If you really need to have a tall frosty glass of some kind of carbonated citrus- flavored beverage, then steer yourself towards Sierra Mist Natural® which is 100% natural & sweetened with sugar or Sprite Green® which is sweetened with Truvia® instead of sugar & high fructose corn syrup. I know that Sprite Green is not readily available in all markets. I can't recommend 7UP, because it has EDTA in it, which I have already covered in a previous blog post.
source: http://www.sprite.com/ |
source: http://www.simplyoragejuice.com/ |
As always, the choice is ultimately yours, but I hope this little nugget of information will guide you in making a better choice when it comes to citrus-flavored, carbonated beverages.
Until the next post...
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I love this blog! Keep it up!
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